Reading Comprehension Tip: Root words are little parts of words within big words. How can root words help? If you know root words, you can often make a good guess at the meaning of new words. Use contexts clues, prefixes, and suffixes, too. Also use your dictionary, whenever possible.

A root, as its name suggests, is a word or word part from which other words grow, usually through the addition of prefixes and suffixes. The root of the word vocabulary, for example, is voc, a Latin root meaning "word" or "name."

A Word Story: Salt and Salary for Soldiers

Our English word salary is defined by The American Heritage Dictionary as "fixed compensation for services, paid to a person on a regular basis." Its etymology” (history of the word) “can be traced back 2,000 years to sal, the Latin word for salt. So what's the connection between salt and salary?

The Roman historian Pliny the Elder tells us that "in Rome, a soldier was paid in salt," which back then was widely used as a food preservative. Eventually, this salarium came to signify” (mean) “a stipend” (regular payment) “paid in any form, usually money. Even today the expression "worth your salt" indicates that you're working hard and earning your salary. However, this doesn't mean that salt is the true definition of salary.”-Word Roots in English,


ab from or not ability, abate, abbreviation, abdicate, abnormal

ad to add, addition, additional, address

bi two bicycle, tricycle, biped

com with compensation, commission, community, communicate

dis apart disagree, disassemble, discriminate, disaster
en in
enter, entrance, encircle

ex out exhale, exhibit, exam, example

in not inability, inactive, incapable, incomplete, inequality

in into indoors, inflamed, infuriate

pre before prefix, prelude, preconceptions, preliminary
pro in front of, in favor of
procedures, probation, appropriate

re back reaction, redo, rewrite, repay

sub under or lower than submarine, subway, subnormal, substitute, subordinate

super above, greater superman, superstar, superimpose

tri three triangle, tricycle

un not unable, unfit, unhappy, unfriendly, unload

Most Used Word Roots Greek (G) or Latin (L).


-ast(er)-(G) star asteroid, astronomy, astronaut

-audi- (L) hear audience, audible, audience, audiology

-auto- (G) self automatic, autopsy, automobile

-bene- (L) good benefit, benign, benevolent

-bio- (G) life biography, biology, biography, biodegradable, autobiographical

-chrono- (G) time chronic, chronology, synchronize, chronicles, chronograph

-dict- (L) say dictionary, dictate, diction

-duc- (L) lead, make deduce, deduction, produce, production

-gen- (L) give birth gene, genetic, generate, degenerate

-geo- (G) earth geography, geology, geophysical

-graph- (G) write autograph, graph, graphics, graphical, autobiographical, geography

-jur-, -jus- (L) law jury, jurisprudence, just, justice

-log-, -logue- (L) thought logic, logical, travelogue, logistics

-luc- (L) light lucid, translucent, lucite

-man(u)- (L) hand manual, manure

-mand-, -mend- (L) order demand, recommend

-mis-, -mit- (L) send missile, transmit, transmission

-omni- (L) all omnivorous, omnipresent, omnipotent

-path- (G) feel empathy, pathetic, empathetic, pathology

-phil- (G) love philosophy, bibliophile, philanthropy

-phon- (G) sound phonics, telephone, phonograph

-photo- (G) light photograph, photographic, photon, photosynthesis

-port- (L) carry report, export, portable

-qui(t)- (L) quiet, rest acquit, tranquil, tranquility

-scrib-, -script- (L) write scribble, scribe, ascribe, script

-sens-, -sent- (L) feel senses, sensory, resent, sensitive, sentiment

-tele- (G) far off telecast, telephone, telegraph, television, telekinesis

-terr- (L) earth terrain, territory, terrarium, territorial

-vac- (L) empty vacuum, evacuate, vacate

-vid-, -vis- (L) see visible, video, visible, visibility

-voc (L) word, name vocabulary, vocation, advocacy,

SUFFIXES (end of words)

-able or -ible it can be capable, incapable, washable, workable, unconquerable

-fy to cause, make liquefy, glorify

-ful full of beautiful, wonderful

-less lacking, without careless,

-ology study or science of etymology, entomology, geology, pathology