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Perhaps you've heard how they train elephants for the circus. From birth, they chain the baby elephants. The elephant can't escape, of course, the chain is too big. As the elephant grows, he becomes accustomed to the chain. Amazingly, even a fully grown 10,000 pound elephant will behave as if his chain, now tiny compared to his bulk, holds him in place. Why? Elephants truly remember. What they don't do well, is adapt to changing circumstances or freedom.
Some of us act a lot like that 10,000 pound elephant. Americans still believe in the land of the free, and yet, since the industrial revolution, we have enslaved ourselves into a socialist-engineered work-force.
The public debt makes the news and no one cares. What is even worse, is the private debt,which is seldom even reported by the media. Why?
Perhaps "they" don't want us to know how bad it is. We drive home from our jobs in a vehicle which is owned by the bank, to a house that is owned by the bank, get a drink out of the refrigerator, owned by the bank, sit down in an easy chair....flip on the watch the news in dismay over the enormity of the public debt. Our own debt seems legitimate and normal; after all, everybody buys on credit, even the government. We've been trained that way, and we're used to the chains.
As the people go, so goes the country. The country is deep in debt because the people are deep in debt. We want self-gratification NOW.
The Bible says in Proverbs 22:7, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the servant to the lender."
You don't have to be a Christian to comprehend this; it is truth, and knowing the truth will set you free. We can break our chains--they only hold us in bondage because of our training. We can save and plan for the good things in life--no more credit card Christmas. We can find frugal methods to reach our higher education goals, such as colleges that accept credit by examination. And a credit card vacation is NOT relaxing!
If it seems impossible to avoid debt, don't give up. Start by borrowing less. Try to borrow only for things that last, and (hopefully) appreciate in value, like a home or business. We can avoid debt for items that depreciate--in other words, if you must borrow for a car, don't buy new. A new car becomes a used car as soon as you drive off the lot.
We can save thousands in interest money by paying extra principal on the debt we already owe. We need to discipline our desires and sacrifice for ourselves, our children, and our country. It starts with you and me.
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An Eagle's Nest Homeschool
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