Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?Exposing Hate Crimes, Abortion Rights and Violence In America |
"Rusty Forceps"--Health Dept. Reports Violence, Abortion, Exploited Women and the Mob Pretty Baby! Spina BIfida Surgery Violence Committed By Pro-Choice Supporters The David Factor Abortion Violence Commentary Partial Birth Abortion Baby Survives For 3 Hours Suspicious Death of Unborn Child |
Pro-Choice Violence Against Peaceful Anti-abortion Protesters"According to the National Abortion Federation’s 2011 tally cited in HLI’s report pro-life activists were involved in 29 incidents of deadly and extreme violence. By contrast, HLI found more than 1,100 incidents from the pro-abortion side. Even those numbers, though, almost certainly underestimate the problem by several orders of magnitude."“I’ve been beat up, I’ve been kicked, punched, physically assaulted, screamed at, had food items thrown at me, spit on, cans thrown at me, just all in the name of presenting a positive pro-life message urging women to choose life,” Troy Newman told WND in a phone interview.Read about incidents of pro-abortion violence here: http://www.hli.org/resources/pro-abortion-violence-setting-the-record-straight/ Legal—But Is It Safe? Planned Parenthood Health Report RevealedOperation rescue obtained health inspection records from Planned Parenthood and published the results. Here are a few from "Reproductive Health Services" report, Saint Louis, MO, dated 3/16/2016, which revealed multiple infection control deficiencies as well as: "Review of the Medication Refrigerator...Temperature was recorded out of range...the facility failed to:--perform criminal background checks--Provide ongoing staff education regarding infection control...medication orders not timed, dated, or signed by the physician...A patient shall be reactive and her vital signs shall be stable before discharge from the facility." (http://www.operationrescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Inspection-March-16-2016.pdf ) The Growing Majority--Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?Susan B. Anthony List: “Over the course of the past decade, Americans have been waking up to the scientific facts and moral implications regarding abortion. During this time, pro-life groups have worked to educate the public on the reality of what it means to be “pro-life” versus “pro-choice.” Thanks in part to sonogram technology, developments in the field of fetology, and the exposure of the grim reality of abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood, a growing majority of Americans now consider themselves “pro-life.” In 2009, Gallup even suggested that it has been President Obama’s overreach on abortion that has pushed the pro-choice ideology to the extreme, increasing the number of Americans that identify with Life. In May 2012, Gallup polling found that the number of Americans that describe themselves as “pro-choice” is at an all-time low, at 41 %. On the other hand, 50% of Americans describe themselves as pro-life.” New York Times Shows "Dead Baby" Pictures--Out of the Closet, into the MainstreamNew York Times
blogger Damien Cave reports that he "had a chance to find
some answers while reporting in late September on the death of
James Pouillon, the anti-abortion protester who was shot and
killed in Owosso, Mich...Mr. Pouillon was holding an anti-abortion
sign at the time, with a baby on one side and an abortion on the
other. At his memorial service, I met Monica Migliorino Miller,
who told me she had a lot to share about the use of abortion
imagery. Does
Abortion Cause Breast Cancer?
Deaths from Bacterial Infection Linked to Abortion Pill (RU-486)The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating four of the numerous deaths associated with the abortion pill, RU-486, also called Mifeprex. The Times said that the FDA is organizing a scientific meeting early next year to discuss what it calls a “medical mystery.” New York Times coverage of the numerous deaths associated with the abortion pill, RU-486, also called Mifeprex: Professor Ralph P. Miech, a professor emeritus in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biotechnology at Brown University found that the action of the drug is to suppress the body’s immune system, leaving it open to bacterial infections that can be deadly. Read the abstract of Dr. Miech’s research in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy: http://www.theannals.com/cgi/content/abstract/aph.1G189v1 Read related LifeSiteNews.com coverage, Leading Researcher Proves RU-486 Causes Septic Shock Deaths: http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2005/jul/05072802.html Abortion Drug RU-486 Company Admits to Death of Five Women http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2005/jul/05071905.html For more information regarding The Pill, The Morning After Pill, RU-486, hate crimes and abortion drugs, visit Pharmacists for Life International. President Jimmy Carter Condemns AbortionThe Washington Times reported on November 4, 2005 that President Jimmy Carter has condemned all abortions. President Carter chastised his party for its intolerance of candidates and nominees who oppose abortion.According to the paper, the former United States president stated "I never have felt that any abortion should be committed -- I think each abortion is the result of a series of errors." “These things impact other issues on which [Mr. Bush] and I basically agree," the Georgia Democrat said. "I've never been convinced, if you let me inject my Christianity into it, that Jesus Christ would approve abortion." President Carter said Democratic leaders have failed "to demonstrate a compatibility with the deeply religious people in this country. I think that absence hurt a lot." Democrats must "let the deeply religious people and the moderates on social issues like abortion feel that the Democratic party cares about them and understands them," he said, adding that many Democrats, like him, "have some concern about, say, late-term abortions, where you kill a baby as it's emerging from its mother's womb." Abortion Rights, Hate Crimes, Abortion Violence In the News Forced Abortion
Still A Reality in China Says New Amnesty
Report Victim of Botched Abortion OUTNEW
YORK, Sept. 1, 2005 /Christian
Wire Service/ -- Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of
Priests for Life, issued the following statement today praising
the courage of a victim of botched "abortion." Melanie
Mills revealed her story on a radio station in St. Louis,
Missouri, which was met with a lawsuit from abortionist Yogendra
Shaw from the Hope Clinic in Granite City, IL. Ms. Mills had not
been given a pregnancy test prior to the abortion, only later to
realize she was never pregnant; she was suffering from a blighted
ovum. Reaching Out to Women Harmed By Abortion: Care Net and the National Silent No More Awareness Campaign Abortion
violence has been increasingly in the news. Women who Regret their
Abortions gather January 24, 2005, at 5:00 P.M. at the Supreme
Court. Guests include the national spokesperson for the Silent No
More Awareness Campaign, actress, model, author, Jennifer O'Neill
and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. Alveda
King. "The Silent No More campaign gives a voice to women who have too long been ignored. Pro-life and pro-choice can agree: abortion is a tragedy, and women deserve better choices."-- Author and Feminist Frederica Mathewes-Green The National Silent No More Awareness Campaign campaign, a joint project of Priests for Life and NOEL, plans to ‘make the public aware that abortion is harmful emotionally, physically and spiritually to women and others; reach out to women who are hurting from an abortion, let them know help is available and invite women to join in speaking the truth about abortion's negative consequences.’ In
other news about abortion violence, "Care Net, an
organization that supports a network of 780 pregnancy support
centers in North America, applauded the U.S. House Committee on
Energy and Commerce for its hearing Wednesday on understanding
depression after pregnancy, and in particular, after abortion. "--
Sept. 30, 2004/Christian
Wire Service/ -- Contact Care Net, 703-478-5661, ext. 31 Voices Of Abortion, a live Internet talk-show at http://www.crusaderadio.com , airs five times weekly. Guests share the aftermath of abortion and recovery, and listeners are invited to call with comments or questions. The hour-long show also features experts, news, commentary, and legal updates on the Roe and Doe cases. President Ronald Reagan and the Conscience of the Nation Christian woman reaps post-abortion cancer, http://lifesavers.glorifyjesus.com/weekly/3/cancer_15.html
Pro-Choice or Pro-Life News Woman Assaults Pro-Lifers with Baseball Bat, http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/000059.shtml#more Man Tries to Run Down Pro-lifers, then Attempts to Murder Wife. Man could be charged with felonies in both incidents http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/000058.shtml
The British
government reported this week that two more mothers have died
after using the pro-choice drug RU-486. Jack Scarisbrick, the
national chairman of the anti-abortion group Life, said: "I
hope this serves as a warning to women on just how dangerous these
powerful drugs are...This is clearly another cover-up."
Is Abortion Harmful to Mental Health? "I was violated and betrayed over and over by my father, who God created to love and protect me. I was humiliated, hurt, and violated again by the abortionist. I have talked with "pro-lifers" who consider my abortion acceptable, under the circumstances. I want to tell people, "If you really want to be compassionate, give this mother the opportunity to choose life for her child. If you really love the mothers who have been victimized, don't let them be exploited again by someone who will make a profit from their dead child a memory that will haunt them for the rest of their lives."--fifteen year old, raped by her father and forced to have an abortion, published in "Victims and Victors: Speaking Out About their Pregnancies, Abortions, and Children Resulting from Sexual Assault." Copyright 2000, David C. Reardon, Julie Makimaa, and Amy Sobie. A study published in the July issue of the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry shows the abortion link to early and delayed psychiatric episodes. The study examined Medi-Cal records for 173,000 low-income California women, comparing the rate of psychiatric outpatient treatments for women who had abortions versus those who carried to term. Women were 63 percent more likely to receive mental health care within 90 days of an abortion compared to delivery. Abortion was most strongly associated with subsequent treatments for neurotic depression, bipolar disorder, adjustment reactions, and schizophrenic disorders. "Most studies of mental health status after an abortion rely on small groups of women, usually less than 300, and face high drop out rates of 50 percent or more," said Priscilla Coleman, the study's lead author and a professor at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. "By looking at medical claims for a large group of women, we were able to capture a more accurate picture of the differences between abortion and childbirth." Another of the study's authors, Dr. David Reardon, is the co-author with Dr. Theresa Burke of a new book, "Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion." a comprehensive review of post-abortion reactions. (See Forbidden Grief, http://www.forbiddengrief.com/ and Women Deserve Better, http://www.womendeservebetter.com/ ). Depression and Suicide Linked to Abortion David Reardon, Ph.D., is director of the Elliot Institute, an organization specializing in research on mental health adjustments following abortion, and one of the principle authors of three recent studies. Reardon believes depression following abortion plays a significant direct or indirect role in many suicides. Reardon says that the existing research shows that post-abortion depression can come and go over long periods of time. But at least in regard to suicide, the greatest risk is in the first year after the abortion. "After the first year, the rate of suicide appears to decline toward more normal levels over a four year period," he said. "Case
studies and self-reports from women indicate that depression may
become most intense near the expected due date of the aborted
pregnancy and at the anniversary of the abortion." "The
political controversy over abortion often makes it difficult for
women to discuss their emotional reactions to abortion with loved
ones," he said. "This may increase feelings of isolation
and exacerbate depression." Asked what the practical
implications for physicians using abortion history as a marker for
risk of depression, Reardon DC, Cougle JR. Depression and unintended pregnancy in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: a cohort study. British Medical Journal. 2002; 24:151-2. Coleman PK, Reardon DC, Rue VM, Cougle JR. State-funded abortions vs. deliveries: A comparison of outpatient mental health claims over five years. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 2002; 72(1):141-52. Reardon DC, Ney PG, Scheuren FJ, Cougle JR, Coleman, PK, Strahan T. Deaths associated with pregnancy outcome: a record linkage study of low income women. Southern Medical Journal. 2002; 95(8):834-841. Gissler M., et. al. Pregnancy-associated deaths in Finland 1987-1994 - definition problems and benefits of record linkage. Acta Obsetricia et Gynecolgica Scandinavica. 1997; 76:651-657. The World Report on Violence and Health, Edited by Etienne G. Krug, Linda L. Dahlberg, James A. Mercy, Anthony B. Zwi and Rafael Lozano (Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2002)
Commentary: aBrain Waves __/\__/\__ d and a heartbeat __/\__/\__d A. W. Steward What is human life? When does it end? These used to be easy questions to answer, both scientifically and morally. Human DNA, the image of our Creator, created with inalienable rights. Heartbeat (or a chance that the heart will begin to beat) and brain waves. In the case of Terri Schiavo, her heart was beating on its own. No machines helped her breathe. Her brain had some function, although her mental capacity was debated. Schiavo was indisputably human, with living human cells, lungs indisputably breathing on her own--indisputably alive by any scientific measure. She was handicapped, and needed help with eating and drinking. Many of us, including the Pope John Paul II, have needed the same help as adults. All of us have been totally dependent upon others for our needs, in our infancy. A civilized society does not commit hate crimes against humanity, allowing caregivers to stop feeding and hydrating helpless disabled people. I thought we settled that question, when we won the War against Hitler and the eugenics movement. Perhaps we are forgetting—Hitler began his exterminations by killing (supposedly quickly and mercifully) the mentally handicapped. Now it is happening again, in America. The Constitution of the United States makes the moral duty of those in the state and national government crystal clear: to protect human life. Yet Terry Schiavo’s life was neither respected nor protected by those entrusted with justice in America. With Schiavo’s death by slow starvation, our paganized American culture has sunk to a new low—not evolution, but devolution of the most basic moral values. United States’ courts show far more respect for animal life than human life. Violence against innocent humans is tolerated in America, and even encouraged, if those humans have been put into the category of “too much of a burden.” This category formerly just included pre-born humans, with human DNA, a heartbeat and brainwaves. Now the “non-human” category has been enlarged to include the disabled. It’s long past time to reign in the immoral and unjust court system in this country. Otherwise, we won’t be asking for whom the bell tolls—next, it could toll for any one of us, starting with the weakest and unloved. Thirty-three physicians (including 15 board-certified neurologists) signed affidavits stating that Terri's condition should be re-evaluated (http://www.rightwingnews.com/archives/week_2005_03_27.PHP#003655 ). Still, we must not make the extent of Schiavo’s disabilities the measuring rod for her humanity. During Schiavo’s deathwatch, many confused Americans asked why this woman was being starved. “Wouldn’t it have been less cruel to simply give her a lethal injection?” “But no,” they were told. “That would be euthanasia, murder in Florida.” Starving equals euthanasia, and is equally illegal and immoral. I’m not Catholic, but I think this says it all: "No court, either in the United States or anywhere else, has the authority to authorize the starvation of a human being. Exactly ten years ago today, Pope John Paul II issued the following words in his document The Gospel of Life, ' Laws which authorize and promote …euthanasia are … completely lacking in authentic juridical validity. …A civil law authorizing … euthanasia ceases by that very fact to be a true, morally binding civil law.'" -- Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life We must not enable murder. Starving a helpless woman can not be considered a natural, acceptable way to die. If so, logically infanticide—if the child is considered a burden--will also become acceptable. Infants are also dependent upon “artificial feeding” with bottles—they haven’t learned to use a spoon. Is America so in love with convenience and death that we blind our eyes to something so simple? No, the definition of human life isn’t complicated—it just isn’t popular. The rational standard for life remains:
aBrain Waves __/\__/\__ d and a heartbeat __/\__/\__d
Susan B. Anthony, FEMINIST and PRO-LIFE ACTIVIST... Most people know Anthony helped women obtain the right to vote. Did you know she was also firmly pro-life? Anthony wrote an essay in the publication she started, The Revolution, about the "horrible crime of child-murder". She was referring specifically to the tragedy of abortion. Anthony wanted to "eradicate the most monstrous crime" but knew a law would not suffice. "We must reach the root of the evil and destroy it." Read more
quotes from Susan B. Anthony, at http://www.sba-list.org/sba.cfm
Abortionist Robs and Hits Pro-Lifer OMAHA, Nebraska
-An abortionist was arrested and charged with hitting a pro-lifer
with his car. By Gary
McCullough, mailto:info@maranatha.tv
Pro-Lifer Stabbed; Media SilentThe investigation of a little-known stabbing of a pro-life activist outside a Little Rock, Ark., abortion clinic remains open, leaving many pro-life advocates alleging official indifference to the case. Attorney Fred Hart and friend Jim Dawson were protesting outside Family Health Care Clinic on May 18 when, according to police reports, two women yelled obscene words out of a truck. One woman "exited and grabbed [Hart's] sign and took off running." The woman, later identified as Amanda Sue Petzak, of Sherwood, Ark., fell to the ground and dropped Hart's sign. When he bent over to pick up the sign, the woman allegedly stabbed him in his left side with a knife. Read more about it at http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2001/5/31/180655.shtml Read more about pro-choice media bias at http://www.newsmax.com/hottopics/Media_Bias.shtml and http://secure.mediaresearch.org/specialreports/news/sr19980722.html David Factor Commentary The Terrorist Link to Hate Crimes and Abortion Rights Guest Columnist, A.W. Steward On September 11, 2001, another "day that will live in infamy," terrorists callously destroyed 3,000 human lives. We grieve for the families who have lost loved ones in Washington and in New York. Still, when will we hold a National Day of Prayer and Mourning for the 4,000 innocent unborn babies who lose their lives daily in America, silent victims of "Choice?" Organizations which loudly proclaim abortion rights, the "Choice" to destroy life, enable those who profit from the death of the tiniest humans. Pro-choice organizations support the mutilatation, exploitation and traumatizing of vulnerable pregnant women. As in state-sponsored terrorism, abortion sponsors seem much more interested in money, power and politics, than in "the health of women and children." Briefly, let's
review the evidence: Exhibit B concerns a report in the Washington Times, Cybercast News Service; August 31, 2001. Pregnant women in the Washington D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department claim they were coerced to have abortions because they were threatened with job termination. According to information about one young lady, "she had a choice to make and that choice will depend on whether or not you maintain your employment with this agency. She then went out and had an abortion...she was forced to return to the street and started to hemorrhage." Where are the self-proclaimed voices for women's rights, freedom, and "Choice," when DC Medics are forced to have abortions? Apparently, women only have a "Choice," if the choice is to pay the abortion industry to end the life of their unborn child. Exhibit C brings us to a report from the Associated Press on February 15, 2001. An Orlando, Florida abortion doctor, James Scott Pendergraft, is being sued by Ladye Williamson. Williamson says Pendergraft botched her abortion, leading to an emergency hysterectomy. Richard Ford, Pendergraft's lawyer in the case, agreed that Williamson's uterus was perforated. "Obviously, it was perforated," Ford stated. "This is a known complication of this type of surgery," Apparently, the only time that women will be warned about a “known complication” is when the doctor is taken to court. In an unrelated matter, the abortion doctor had previously been convicted of attempted extortion in federal court. Consider Exhibit D, in the Miami Herald; February 7, 2001, "Biskind Trial Shows Abortion Endangers Women." Teresa Wagner reports on abortionist John Biskind, who botched the abortion of 33-year-old Lou Anne Herron in April 1998 at the A-Z Women's Center in Phoenix. Wagner says that the victim died after begging for help for three hours “in a thickness of blood from the waist down to her toes.'' Herron became the second woman in three years to die at Biskind's hands. One may ask, how can this happen? How could the abortionist succeed in killing a woman, and be allowed to continue his grisly trade? Organizations that promote abortion share a history of silence regarding abortion doctors who have mutilated their patients. They hide behind "Choice," and censor information about the dangers of abortion, such as dozens of studies showing a breast cancer/abortion link (Read "Early Reproductive Events and Breast Cancer," http://www.bcpinstitute.org/nci_minority_rpt.htm , about the recent National Cancer Institute report, which denied the abortion/breast cancer connection.) Again, money, power and politics are more important to these pro-abortion organizations, that harbor doctors that commit one of the greatest hate crimes--over 4000 human lives are lost per day--against innocent humanity. What should be our response to these tragedies in America and worldwide? At one extreme, the majority of us harden our hearts. We turn away from the enormity of our national shame, and even accuse and commit hate crimes against those who speak out against it. We endorse the violence, either by our active support or by our passive indifference. The other extreme--thankfully, rare--advocates committing violence against abortionists and their accomplices. Those warped individuals who endorse violence committed by private individuals become the very evil that they claim to fight against.* We don't need to be pacifists; we can support a just war against evil, supported by our freely elected government. However, we cannot become a nation of vigilantes, whether the target is anti-American terrorists or anti-human abortionists. No, a thousand times, no. Instead, we must document and show the truth of abortion violence. Abortion is evil, ugly, despicable, and a hate crime against humanity. And it is time that America took a good look at it.* http://www.sweetliberty.org/images/fetal/supp1.htm This site documents and links to numerous other reports on abortion related violence committed against mothers and their unborn children. Due to time and space limitations, we've only scratched the surface in our attempt to report on Hate Crimes, Abortion, and Violence in America. * Is Violence Justified: Frequent Abortion Questions Politics and Abortion: Did Sen. Kerry Misquote the Bible during the Presidential Debate? You decide. Read Kerry, Abortion, and the Bible
Is abortion an act of violence against mothers and their children? If we call ourselves "pro-choice," do we enable and support those who commit hate crimes against unborn human beings and their mothers?
If abortion is a violent act, should abortion be a matter of "choice?" Is anyone entitled to a choice which will involve a violent act against another human being?
If you have an open mind, read the evidence at Hate Crimes, Abortion and Violence In America. Decide for yourself.
"Rusty Forceps"--Health Dept. Reports: Abortion Clinics Unsafe, Unsanitary, Unlicensed!
Violence, Abortion, Exploited Women and the Mob: An Open Letter to the Media
Mark Crutcher has written a book called Lime 5: Exploited by Choice. It is an inside look at abortion clinics. Next to the Bible, it may rank among the scariest books ever written! It focuses on all of the other, forgotten victims of the violence of abortion - the mothers who have been killed, raped while under anesthesia, torn uteruses, left sterile, etc. Also the nurses (also abused and raped), the "doctors" who are in jail for murder and rape, and the families who must care for the mothers who are in comas as a result of botched abortions, etc.All of this goes to show that the evil and violence is not only against the babies, but anyone connected with abortion.
Sexual Assaults in Oregon - Page 87 of Lime 5 [Abortionist John Roe 38] was investigated by the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners in 1994, after a 41-year-old woman and her 20-year-old daughter alleged that he tried to sexually stimulate them during examinations in 1990 and 1993. "The Oregonian" reported that 21 additional women contacted them to report similar incidents (Sources: The Oregonian 9/22/94, 5/27/95, 5/31/95, 6/1/95)
"Margaret's" Death - Page 25 of Lime 5: On June 2, 1989, Margaret went to have an abortion performed by [abortionist John Roe 295]. After she was dismissed, she started experiencing pain and bleeding, and called the facility about her symptoms.They did not advise her to seek medical care. Two days later, she sought medical treatment on her own and was told that she had a perforated uterus and retained fetal tissue. A D&C was performed to complete the abortion and, due to infection, a hysterectomy was also necessary. Unfortunately, despite all efforts to save her life, Margaret died of the complications of her abortion, leaving behind her husband and a one-year-old son. (Source: Richmond City (VA) Circuit Court Case No. LU441; Virginia Death Certificate No. 89-020384)
Henry Hyde - Member of the United States Congress . . ." I recently completed reading Lime 5 and can tell you that I remain shocked and angered by the disturbing information it contains. I found much of the data so incredible that if it were not so well documented I would be unable to believe it's true."
Fr. Frank Pavone - National Director, Priests for Life . . ."I have spoken in all 50 states of this country on abortion. There is not a place I go where I do not mention Lime 5. Nor is there a resource more urgent for everyone to read. I have taken Lime 5 on my international television shows, I have taken a copy to the White House, and I have taken a copy to Rome where I will work at the central pro-life offices in theVatican. This book destroys the myth that legal abortion means safe abortion."
Lime 5 by Mark Crutcher is available from http://www.ldi.org/ or through the inter-library loan program at your public library.
Hate Crimes and Violence Committed By Pro-Choice Supporters
The conviction of peaceful, non-violent Christians under RICO (NOW vs. Scheidler) was unbelievable and unjust! These Christians are quite simply being persecuted, not prosecuted. Even the author of RICO has stated that it was never intended to apply to non-profit organizations that do not make money, such as pro-life groups.
The abortion clinics and their supporters are the ones who should justly be charged with RICO suits, for conspiring together to commit violence against 36 million babies and their mothers. Abortionists commit violence for money through elective abortions for nonmedical reasons, destroying healthy babies and healthy mothers. Evidence abounds on the violence that abortionists have inflicted on mothers, physically as well as emotionally.
Money also motivates abortion groups to commit hate crimes and violence against pro-lifers. Click here for Educational Links documenting hate crimes, medical facts on abortion, abortion-related deaths, abortion and breast cancer, abortion and ectopic pregnancies, abortion and infertility, abortion and complications. Abortion is still performed illegally (by unlicensed clinics and doctors) in the U.S.. Legal or not, abortion is still unsafe for mothers and children. See also an outside link about "Breast cancer: Its link to abortion and the birth control pill," published by One More Soul.
The abuse of power perverts justice and tramples on free speech and liberty for all Americans. Think about the injustice of it: Martin Luther King could have been convicted under RICO, had it been law at the time, because other people committed violence. Peaceful (but "law-breaking") Quakers, who hid slaves in the underground railroad, could have been convicted of RICO, simply because others (like John Brown) committed acts of violence. Ironically, young Bill Clinton could also have been convicted for his leadership role in protests against the Vietnam War, had RICO been in effect.
Due to the current twisted misuse of RICO, the free speech of ordinary Americans, whether pro-life or pro-choice, has been curtailed. Is it now illegal to try to shut down a business through the use of a planned, publicized boycott or picket? Watch out, both liberal and conservative non-violent, grass-roots activists! Won't this unjust law apply equally to boycotters of a grocery store employing illegal aliens, animal rights activists freeing animals in a lab, and a non-violent sit-in at a chemical company adding toxic waste to fertilizer? Those industries with enough financial clout can surely strike terror into the heart of many potential protesters, effectively shutting out any public outcry or action against injustice.
I call on the leaders of our country, sworn to protect the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to immediately enact emergency legislation to reign in the illegal actions of lower courts, the Supreme Court and the Attorney General, that pervert the Constitution of the United States. The author of RICO, G. Robert Blakely, has stated that "If you look at this case and say it's about abortion, you're missing the point. Everybody who loves the First Amendment has got to sleep uneasily tonight."
It's open season on Christians, who have increasingly found their rights violated and their freedom to speak in jeopardy. Hate crimes--such as church bombings, assault, bomb threats--against Christians and especially Christian pro-lifers, have become common. If you have been the victim of a hate crime, don't keep silent! Report it to the police, the government, the press. If no one else will listen, go directly to the people, and post it on the Internet! (For documented information about hate crimes committed against peaceful, Christian pro-lifers, see Abortion-Related Violence and Alleged Violence: An Investigative Report by Life Research Institute, 4279 Armand Drive, Concord, CA 94521, 1995. Also see our Educational Links.
In order to protect the First Amendment, Congress should immediately amend RICO, explicitly stating that the racketeering law should not be used to persecute non-profit or political groups. If you wish, you may copy this letter, send it to others, or publish it. Thank you for listening.
What's in a name? Do labels clarify, or trivialize issues? The media insists on using the term "anti-abortion." However, "anti-abortion" does not begin to describe the many other bio-ethical issues involved, such as the need for protecting the disabled, elderly, and children with handicaps. Pro-lifers are also concerned for the recent dramatic increase in the killing of small children, infanticide. When one segment of human life loses legal protection, it is bound to cause a degradation and cheapening of all human life, at every stage of development. Abortion violence can only cause more violence. This point has become painfully evident to parents (even if it is not obvious to the media elite and politicians), due to the recent increase in violence committed by children against other children, and schoolyard shootings at government-run institutions.
What's in a name? I believe people should be called only what they wish to be called, instead of labels which only serve to show a publication's bias.The media receives information packets from those who support the abortion violence money machine, including Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and others. These packets instruct the media to always use the terms "pro-choice," to decribe anyone who does not speak out against abortion. Has "choice" come to be associated with an attitude that nothing is wrong, that no one has a right to say that someone shouldn't hurt someone else? I don't think we want to go there, as a society. If we remove the protection from one group of humans (unborn children and their mothers have no protection), sooner or later, lawlessness will increase in other areas. In fact, that has already occurred. Eventually, all of us will be at risk. ("Don't ask for whom the bell tolls...)
Pro-lifers are pro-choice for mothers. A choice is not a choice without complete, accurate information. Mothers should have the right to know about their abortion doctor's record and any health violations. Most abortion facilities are regulated loosely or not at all. Some have been closed down, due to health violations--for disgusting, filthy practices such as reusing instruments without sterilization. Is this the so-called "expected standard of care?" Others continue to operate despite violations. Veterinarians at animal shelters are scrutinized more carefully than abortionists. See "Rusty Forceps"--Health Dept. Reports: Abortion Clinics Unsafe, Unsanitary, Unlicensed!
Some abortionists no longer have malpractice insurance, because of botched abortions and lawsuits (These abortionists are often the same doctors who secretly performed illegal abortions before Roe vs. Wade. How have they somehow become "respectable" now?) What about the patient's right to know, for both the mother and the baby? In this country, you can find someone to kill a baby at any stage of development, up to the very moment of birth. You can kill a baby in the third trimester to "protect" the woman's mental (not just physical!) health. In other words, well, just because you feel like it.
At the same time in this country, legitimate doctors are performing delicate surgery on tiny, unborn patients to correct abnormailites and repair injuries. It's time we faced the facts, stopped using euphemisms, and gave people a choice based on the truth.
Why do those who are called pro-choice by the media, who claim to speak for women, support abortionists who have been brought up on charges for maiming and killing their patients? What is pro-choice about that? Did those helpless babies have a choice? Did those women really have all the information that they needed to make an informed choice, before the doctor perforated their uterus, caused sterility, or destroyed their child--for some, the only child they would ever have? Were those women told that years later they might suffer flashbacks, depression, sadness, guilt, and perhaps even suicide? Did the abortionist tell the woman that some studies have shown a clear link between abortion and breast cancer? Did those women realize that abortion would not change the medical fact that their bodies had experienced pregnancy?
Abortion only changed the outcome of their pregnancy, delivering a dead baby instead of a live baby.
Pro-lifers believe that unborn children should have a choice, in the decision involving their own dismemberment. The unborn have a separate genetic code--human, of course-- from their mother, from the moment of conception. Of course, they can't speak up in their own defense. However, they are still created in the image of God ("endowed by their Creator..."), and protected according to our Constitution. The Supreme Court does not have the power to change the law. In comparison, the Supreme Court decisions prior to the Civil War may have allowed inhumanity to man, but did not change the laws of God or our Constitutional freedoms.
Pro-lifers insist that mothers of unborn children should be told the truth, so that they can make a real choice. Mothers should have the choice to hear the truth about human development. An unborn child is not just a blob of tissue at six weeks--in fact, the baby has a regular heartbeat (it actually began beating on and off as early as the eighteenth day). Mothers should be allowed to hear that at six weeks the brain waves of their unborn baby can be measured with special instruments.
Why is it that when a woman wants a baby, the doctor calls it a baby, but an unwanted child--same developmental stage-- is just "a blob of tissue?" Is that a matter of choice--choosing to tell or believe a lie? Certainly not, in matters of life and death! We would not tolerate such lies from anyone but an abortionist! How can what we want or don't want alter reality and truth?
If a baby is wanted, the doctor and mother listen joyfully to the hearbeat, and perhaps view the baby sucking his thumb, through a live action ultrasound. If a mother does not want a baby, the baby (at the same stage of development) is called "a blob of tissue." If the abortionist releases any facts to the mother, it is to simply tell the mother the size of the baby, but no information about the developmental stages, heart beat and brain wave activity. As if the size of a human being can affect the value of human life. If an ultrasound is performed, most abortionists will turn the screen away so the mother can't see. Why? The abortionist does not want the mother to learn anything that might change her "choice" to go through with the abortion--the abortionist's money machine.
I think the abortion debate will be clarified by facts, not labels. It is not a choice if it is based on lies and deception. The term "choice" needs to return to reality. Just don't call a pro-lifer "anti-abortion."
CBS insider Bernard Goldberg writes, "Reporters pride themselves on their skepticism. Yet many uncritically pass along the views of liberal activists in a way they would never do with conservatives. The homeless lobby tells the media there are five million homeless, and ten minutes later it's on the evening news. Why is it that the media elites aren't nearly as cozy with the anti-affirmative action or pro-life lobbies?"--Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, Regnery Publishing, 2002
Many media outlets only quote the most extreme sources in stories regarding abortion. These so-called sources, who had NO audience until the media gave them a podium, do not represent the views of any legitimate pro-lifer. Those who claim to be pro-life, and yet advocate violence, only serve to promote the pro-death agenda of those who support abortion violence and the exploitation of women by the abortion industry.
Perhaps many reporters simply do not have access to information about legitimate pro-life sources. Perhaps many reporters simply use the so-called "pro-life" sources which the pro-choice leadership recommends in their press packets..This may make it easy to write a story. However, narrowing sources to only a few of the most extreme only tends to distort the issues--I am certain you would not want to do that. (For more on media bias, read http://secure.mediaresearch.org/specialreports/news/sr19980722.html .)
Abortion Violence Exploits And Hurts Women
A legitimate pro-lifer is concerned for all human life, at every stage of development--from the time of conception, when a complete human genetic code is present, to the time when old age or disability may make a human being seem "useless" to our paganistic, utilitarian society. True pro-lifers are concerned for unborn children, their mothers--and yes, they are also concerned for the abortion doctors and clinic workers. For instance, you can contact Norma McCorvey (the former Jane Roe from Roe Vs. Wade) for information about pro-lifers who showed her love and concern. Or read her book, "Won By Love."
Abortion violence exploits and hurts everyone who is associated with it. You can corroborate this with evidence in Mark Crutcher's book, Lime Five: Exploited by Choice. "Young women are being raped, sexually assaulted, mutilated and killed inside American abortion clinics."
The video, Suction Curettage: Dilation and Evacuation, describes one form of abortion. Christi's Choice video is a true story about Christi Stile, who at eighteen years old was left in a permanent vegetative state following a "safe and legal" abortion. Also consider that media sources can contact big-name former abortionists like Bernard Nathanson. (The previous resources can be obtained through Life Dynamics Incorporated, P.O. Box 2226, Denton, Texas, 76202; http://www.lifedynamics.com/ ;940-380-8800. Additional resources are also available through Heritage House '76, 919 S. Main St., Snowflake, Arizona, 85937; 1-800-858-3040.)
Violence Committed by Advocates of Choice
By far, the majority of violence in the Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life debate has been instigated by the Pro-Choice side. (See links, below.) This includes violence committed by abortionists against unborn children, as well as their mothers. Abortion may be legal (if you discount the Constitution), but it is far from safe, in spite of pro-choice efforts to distort and lie about the number of women maimed and killed each year by abortionists. In addition, pro-choicers also commit violence against pro-lifers, generally with impunity.
What about violence committed against pro-choicers? Sadly, a few individuals, of various religions--or no religion at all--and diverse backgrounds and agendas, apparently endorse violence against abortion providers. Some of the violence may have been committed by a family member of a woman injured by abortion. Others who commit violence may be insane, paid by terrorists, or perhaps hired guns. Such individuals are not pro-lifers, do NOT speak for any legitimate pro-lifer groups, and are not endorsed by any reputable, bona-fide pro-life organization. It is libelous not to make this point clear. Some may feel that it is an obvious point; unfortunately, that is no longer the case. Americans have been inundated with so many stories about supposedly violent pro-lifers, that many, if not most, now believe the lie that pro-life equals violence.
"While three abortionist shootings drew more than 1,100
stories in three major newspapers and Associated Press, seven cases
of abortion-advocate violence or harassment got only six stories, and
six examples of abortionists responsible for the death or
disfigurement of women drew only 53 stories.
The same
approach occurred with the violence done to women by malpracticing
abortionists who killed women in their care. Three editorials, two in
The New York Times and one in the Los Angeles Times, bemoaned botched
abortions. But all three focused not on the abortions, but on the
failure of state medical authorities to appropriately remove and
discipline incompetent physicians. None of these stories drew even a
small fraction of the attention given to the anti-abortion
shootings..."--Roe Warriors: The Media's Pro-Abortion Bias.
(Updated and Revised), By Tim Graham, and Clay Waters, Media Research
Pro-Choice Mafia--Laundering Money in an Under-Regulated Industry
In other cases, clinic bombings and violence may have been committed by pro-CHOICE forces themselves (in order to stigmatize the pro-life movement), or even by pro-choice mafia. Columnist Jack Anderson also tied mobsters and unions to abortion clinics when he stated that "A Federal grand jury testified that some mobsters have used fraud, extortion, arson, assault, and other strong-arm tactics against [abortion] Medicaid practitioners in order to collect kickbacks and for protection against competition." Anderson said that some abortion mills had been paying several thousand dollars per month ("protection money") under threats of mob reprisal.
The A.C.T. Medical Center at 5714 West Division Street in Chicago, an abortion facility licensed by the Illinois Secretary of State, is under investigation by Federal prosecutors. Authorities charge that Anthony Centracchio, the owner of the abortion facility, used it as a mafia front for criminal activities such as money laundering, gambling, bribery, and extortion.
World Magazine asked, "In a politically protected business, Mr. Centracchio found a safe and profitable cover for his alleged criminal empire. Was he the only one? The new administration could answer that question, if it has the will to prove that no one-not even an abortionist-is truly untouchable." (World Magazine, April 4th, 2001 Issue)
Another interesting fact, worthy of investigation: attempted shootings of abortionists and other instances of violence often occur close to the election, not just close to Veteran's Day. Coincidence? Or is it possible that some radical pro-choice forces, perhaps with ties to the mob, might benefit from discrediting pro-lifers--and by extension, pro-life politicians--around election time?
Wanted: An Unbiased, Well-Informed Media
I really think you would not want to be known as biased journalists. Please balance out your stories with mainstream sources, and don't rush to judgment. Don't just assume that a pro-lifer murdered an abortionist--that may make a story easy to write, but it is bad journalism. There are many other possibilities.
An additional source: "Abortion-Related Violence and Alleged Violence: An Investigative Report by Life Research Institute, 4279 Armand Drive, Concord, Ca. 94521. The report is not copyrighted. The report states, among many other interesting statistics: "There have been more bombings of religious facilities than all types of medical facilities combined."
More sources and facts:
1. The pro-life Concerned Women for America have nearly three times the membership as NOW. Do you quote CWA spokespersons as often as you quote NOW?
2. There is a nationwide pro-life organization called Victims of Choice. These are women who suffer from breast cancer, botched abortions, sterility, post-abortion syndrome, etc. Don't you think they have some stories to tell?
3. Two-thirds to three-fourths of pro-life activists are women.
4. Nationwide polls of the public show that women are more pro-life than men. Pro-choice men, naturally, are often single, in promiscuous relationships, and want an easy way out of responsibility.
5. There is also a nationwide pro-life organization called Women Exploited By Abortion.
6. Also consider the nationwide pro-life organization for women
victimized by "choice," called Project Rachel.
For information on post-abortion trauma,
Visit --
additional information through the Elliot Institute,
-- http://www.afterabortion.org/
If you are concerned about fair, accurate reporting, you will investigate these sources. Click here for more Links
Proverbs 24:11,12
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."--Ephesians 5:11
Where do you want to go--eternally?
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All information on this web site is Copyright (c) 1998 - 2005 Hate Crimes, Abortion and Violence in America Project. Use only with permission. We do not accept donations, private or public. We are dedicated to providing the public with facts regarding abortion violence, hate crimes, and bio-ethical issues. This web site is written and managed by volunteers who support Constitutional protections for human life and oppose violence against human life. Please note: We will not knowingly endorse or include links to any web site which appears to advocate violence against abortion providers in any way. Please view our Guidelines and our FAQ (Frequent Abortion Questions). Due to limited, all-volunteer staff, we cannot answer every e-mail. However, we do read our mail and we appreciate your comments and suggestions to improve this web site. E-mail us at: mailto:dfactor@justicemail.com (To contact us, remove "NOSPAM" from the e-mail address.).
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