Wise Steward’s Page for Writers
This page is for frugal
and free writer's, educational, and homeschool resources. You'll also
find information on web authoring, self-publishing, computer
graphics, blogging, networking, web site editors, multimedia authors,
self-publishers, print on demand publishing, book marketing, book
promotion, domain names, free web sites, Android apps for writers,
freeware, shareware, and software for writers and homeschooling.
For several years, I guided a Christian writer’s group in Pataskala, Ohio. In that capacity, probably the question I heard most often is: “How can I get my work published?”
There’s more than one way to avoid rejections, whether you are a seasoned veteran, or trying to get your feet wet. We can all learn from each other. That’s what makes writer’s clubs and networking so essential. Many of you already know, or suspect, that the web is a pretty good place to network, get published, create your own web site and get started blogging. And the web offers plenty of counselors to help you get started. Proverbs 15:22 says: “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: But in the multitude of counselors they are established.”
I’ve been writing with a computer since I bought my first Atari 800XL (back in—what was it--1981?). In those days, Atari personal computers contained cutting edge word processing software. I hooked up a used business typewriter, which worked as a printer, and backed up my work with a tape recorder-like device. I thought, “I’m free! Now I can get rid of my typing mistakes, and no one will know!”
In addition to blogging, teaching, and web site development, my publishing credits run the gamut from internet course development, writing Sunday school curriculum for children and adults, newspaper columns, and book authoring. I’ve co-authored two nonfiction books, Educational Travel on a Shoestring : Frugal Family Fun and Learning Away from Home and Homeschooling on a Shoestring (Waterbrook Multnomah). I currently author a column for Practical Homeschooling magazine, write curriculum reviews, and tutor students of all ages. If you like, read more about me, and my books, at Melissa L. Morgan and http://eaglesnesthome.weebly.com .
“Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:2
Writerfind.com, http://www.writerfind.com
Writerswrite, http://www.writerfind.com
Selling Online,http://www.writersdigest.com/selling-your-work-online-free-download
Telecommuting—seacg at Glassdoor, https://www.glassdoor.com/index.htm
Christian Jobs, http://www.christianjobs.com/
Editorial Freelancers Assoc., http://www.the-efa.org/
Christian tracts that are meant to lead people to Jesus as Lord and Savior, http://www.tracts.com .
Christian Media Association, http://christianmedia.org .
3. Where Can I Get Free Art, Publishing and Web Authoring Software, On a Shoestring?
Public Domain/Royalty Free writing software, animations, clip art, photos, graphics, and pictures:
http://www.openoffice.org/product/index.html "Compatible with other major office suites, Apache OpenOffice is free to download, use, and distribute."
http://absfreepic.com Public domain, free photos
http://www.pppst.com/clipart.html (also PowerPoint presentations)
http://www.amazing-animations.com (Animated)
http://www.animationlibrary.com (Animated)
How can you get it noticed? Be notorious!
Conventional wisdom says to submit your URL to all the major search engines. Let’s be honest. It is an excruciatingly painful process.
You can make the process of publicizing your site somewhat easier if you utilize free web promotion services.
Try a free submission service, such as http://www.Addme.com . You just fill in one form, to submit to a number of search engines and directories.
We list more in our resources, below.
Check links to make sure they work. While you’re visiting the other site, click on their “mailto” button, if they have one.
E-mail them something like: “Hi. I loved your site, and listed you on my page. I would appreciate reciprocal links to my site at (URL).”
Usually people agree, if they include links on their site already, and your site is relevant to their topic. Even if you don’t see any external links on their site, go ahead and ask anyway.
I did, and received a response of “I never had links before, but will start with you.” You never know!
Include your web address on your checks, stationery and business cards. If you advertise off the web, always include your web address in advertisements.
Also, you can submit your site URL to appropriate online forums, social networking and announcement sites, but check the Frequently Asked Questions at each area first to make sure it’s okay.
Finally, try blogging. Why do I blog? Let me count the ways:
1. I blog because people like to read blogs, and people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities can create one.
2. People can search the blogging hosts by keywords, for instance “homeschool freebies,” and find my blog.
3. Blogs are fresher, and updated more often than most web pages.
4. My life is already an open book, and blogs are personal—it’s like peeking into someone’s private diary.
5. People can “talk back” to blogs, so they get immediate satisfaction out of them.
6. The blogging host advertises my blog for free.
7. The blogging host made it easy for me to create and update my blog—no coding necessary.
8. Blogging takes information out of the hands of the media filters and makes it free, accessible—and testable.
9. Blogs are the future; the mainstream media elite, the past—at least I hope so.
10. Blogs are fun!
Judith Allee, co-author of Educational Travel on a Shoestring, shared the following links to compare Blogs vs. Ezines:
Read 4 reasons why ezines are better than blogs.
7 reasons why blogs beat ezines:
Carefully check out our links, below. You’ll find some services that will help you publish for little or no money upfront.
Please note: I haven’t personally used all these resources. Carefully research them yourself, before committing time and resources to a project.
•http://www.inc.com Useful information on technology and successful entrepreneurship
•PC Magazine reviews Android Creativity Apps including Writers, http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2393101,00.asp
•Softonic reviews Android programs/Apps for writers (phones and tablets), http://features.en.softonic.com/the-best-android-apps-for-writers
•http://www.weebly.com Free websites and web creation platform—great for blogging, portfolios, educational, homeschooling, student use
•http://www.angelfire.com Website creation
•http://www.switchboard.com -Search switchboard, and get criminal records and other information for research projects
•http://www.clickable.com -Clickable—free web host
•http://www.licium.com ,Licium’s Multimedia Newsletter and Resource Directory—related to the creation or publishing of multimedia, provides a standard listing in resource directory free of charge.
•http://www.tucows.com , Domain names
•http://pittstop.com/blog, Bill Pitt’s Web Site and Blog—technology, cell phones, web host
•http://www.webdeveloper.com , Comprehensive guide and forum on web site creation and software from WebDeveloper Magazine.
•http://www.doveministries.com, A unique Christian ministry from New Zealand, with video clips.
•http://www.israelshope.com , Israel’s Hope Christian Resource
•Small Business Computing Tips, software and app reviews, http://www.smallbusinesscomputing.com
•http://webreference.com , Webmaster Reference Library, Forums and technical information on web development
•http://www.islandnet.com/~vicky/sites.html , HTML Writer’s Sites
•http://www.developer.com/java/ , web, Android, development tools, scripts, and open source
•http://www.jorika.com , Freeware virtual books include Fantasy, Science Fiction, Mysteries, Poetry and Non-fiction textbooks for the grown-ups. Children's classics include Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn as well as Frank Baum's Oz books. Free Karaoke, Virtual music include classical, religious and holiday favorites
•http://www.stuartmarket.com , Christian Writer’s Market Guide
•https://www.biblegateway.com, online Bible research, devotionals
•http://www.barna.org , Barna Research Group, polls, trends, statistics
•http://www.nilesonline.com/data, How to Make Money Publishing Community News Online.
•http://www.pewforum.org , The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
•http://www.angelfire.com/ks/kingwrit/index.html#Contents, Kingdom Writers Email Critique List
•http://www.write4kids.com/info.html , Free articles on Writing for kids and self-publishers
•http://www.christianfantasy.com , Christian Fantasy
•http://www.winsomewit.com , Christian satire, writing contest
•Booklocker JR., http://www.booklocker.com/getpublished/published.html seeking submissions from young (under 18) authors
•http://tayloru.edu , professional writing courses and degree, online, from accredited Christian university.
•https://il.wisconsin.edu/index.aspx , University of Wisconsin online independent learning courses
•http://www.ACWriters.com , Christian Writer’s Institute, correspondence courses for writing, with goal of publishing work
•Writing courses, http://www.lifewrite.com
•POD publishers list, http://dehanna.com/database.htm , compare print on demand prices and services
•Booksurge, http://www.booksurge.com
•Authors Den, http://www.authorsden.com
•PayPal, (one way customers can pay you) https://www.paypal.com/refer/pal=BH2CTDYDK8RPW
•Barnes & Noble Publisher FAQ , http://www.barnesandnoble.com/
•Bob’s Print Guide Glossary , http://www.bobs.co.uk/print/glossary.html
•Bookbinding Tutorials, http://www.tutorialfind.com/tutorials/artscrafts/bookbinding
•BookWeb.org: Member Directories, http://www.bookweb.org/bookstores/browse.html
•http://www.bookwire.com , publishers, publicists, online bookstores
•http://www.copyright.com , download Form TX to register copyright
•The Economics of Publishing Your Book, http://www.sciencehumanitiespress.com/pubeco.htm
•ForeWord, http://www.forewordmagazine.com/ , publication for small presses and self-publishers.
•http://www.speakernetnews.com/post/fulfill.html Fulfillment companies
•Go Publish Yourself.com, http://www.go-publish-yourself.com/
•How to Publish Yourself, http://www.devce.demon.co.uk/h2pub.htm
•InfoPublishing , http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infopublishing/
•http://www.zizzoo.com/guides/ebook/articles2/index.php ,Information Biz articles
•ISBN User’s Manual, http://isbn.org/standards/home/isbn/international/isbnmanual.asp
•Judy Cullins’ Book Coaching, http://www.bookcoaching.com/freearticles.shtml book development and promotion.
•http://www.laughingbear.com/library.html , Free downloadable list of libraries that buy from small presses
•Media listings, searchable newspaper and magazine links, http://www.gebbieinc.com
•McNaughton & Gunn, http://www.bookprinters.com
•Midwest Book Review: Writers Publishers, http://www.midwestbookreview.com/
•Publishing Central, http://www.publishingcentral.com , book reviewers, publishing tools, distributors, networking, more.
•http://www.pma-online.org ,Organization for self-publishers and small presses.
•http://www.pneumabooks.com/smart.htm , Free downloads on preparing your manuscript for publication
•Publishing Poynters, http://ParaPub.com/news.html , Dan Poynter’s Book Marketing Newsletter
•Reading’s Fun/Books Are Fun, http://www.booksarefun.com , specialty sales, now apparently owned by Reader’s Digest
•http://www.spawn.org ,Small Publishers, Artists, and Writers Network
•SPAN http://www.SPANnet.org , organization for self-publishers and small presses
•TEX, free, open source program for page layout, http://www.miktex.org/setup.html , MiKTeX (pronounced mick-tech) is an up-to-date implementation of TeX and related programs for Windows (all current variants) on x86 systems.
•http://www.worldoutreach.ca/DearGod , Find out about free use of "Dear God" cartoons
•http://www.bangprinting.com , Bang Printing, Sales Rep, Todd Vanek, 800-328-0450.
•http://www.centralplainsbook.com , self-publishing book printer, Steve Sirlin, 888-411-3285.
•http://www.datarepro.com , book printer for self-publishers, Nick Janosi, 734-426-1229
•http://www.frugalmarketing.com/freemediacoverage.shtml , frugal marketing, and how to get free media coverage.
•http://www.prweb.com/pressreleasetips.php , tips on how to write press releases.
•Viral marketing, http://www.sethgodin.com/ideavirus/01-getit.html
•http://www.ecpa.org , X.NET was created by the Evangelical Christian and Protestant Church-Owned Publishers Association/Christian Booksellers Association/Gospel Music Association to provide electronic data interchange service (EDI) to publishers within the Christian community. X.NET results in faster turn-around, improved accuracy and lower operating costs for Christian publishing, music, gifts, and other aspects of the industry.
•http://www.kartoo.com ,Search for your name and/or the title of your book, at Kartoo
•http://www.elwinsoft.com/submit_shareware.html free marketing submissions for e-books, software
•Market your book through e-mail, using autoresponders, http://www.aweber.com .
•Or set up a list at http://www.yahoo.com, make sure only list owner can post.
•http://www.cgpp.com/bookland/isbn.html , Free bar code
•Self-publishing tip: Use the free office suite, OpenOffice, which is similar to (and compatible with) Microsoft Office. OpenOffice includes the ability to export to pdf (which is often used in publishing). Or convert files to Pdf format for free at http://createpdf.adobe.com/index.pl/3576023547.67261?BP=IE
• http://www.oakworth.demon.co.uk/gymnast.htm , use Gymnast, free software, to turn text files into Pdf.
•http://www.maxracks.com , Electronic post cards
•http://www.delorie.com/game-room/chess/free-game.html ,GNU Web Chess
•http://www.startrekker.net , just for fun
•http://www.unitedmedia.com , United Media: Daily comic strips and cartoons. Perhaps this will help with writer’s block, or at least make it more interesting.
Melissa L. Morgan is a book author who works at Varsity Tutors. She also writes columns and curriculum reviews at Practical Homeschooling magazine.
THIS BOOK, Homeschooling
on a Shoestring: A Jam-packed Guide, by
L. Morgan
Waite Allee
book is a compendium of ideas for the family that wants to start or
continue homeschooling on a tight budget. You’ll find it all
• Ideas for making money while staying at home.
Sources for an inexpensive curriculum.
• Thousands of ideas
for affordable teaching tools.
• Hundreds of suggestions for
low-cost field trips.
• Ways to save on everything from
housing to utilities.
• Ways to get free or low-cost
Homeschooling on a Shoestring: "This book is the most original and helpful homeschooling book I've read in years. Highly Recommended."--Mary Pride, publisher of Practical Homeschooling magazine
Also, check out our book, Educational Travel on a Shoestring: Frugal Family Fun and Learning Away from Home, http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/books/117137/homeschooling-on-a-shoestring-by-melissa-l-morgan-and-judith-waite-allee , by Judith Waite Allee & Melissa L. Morgan
Practical, frugal, witty and wise, Educational Travel On a Shoestring is one of those rare books folks will not only delight in reading but delight in using...Don't leave home without it."
--George Grant, author of Just Visiting
Enjoy a short sample from Educational Travel on a Shoestring, with freebies, links, and tips from two frugal moms who love to travel. If you find them helpful, please SHARE with travel and education-minded folks.
When you do, please include the entire letter: Free Tips for Educational Travel on a Shoestring
Find out more at Waterbrook Multnomah; http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/books/2171/educational-travel-on-a-shoestring-by-judith-waite-allee-and-melissa-l-morgan.
For updates, subscribe to my Blog: http://eaglesnesthome.weebly.com/1/feed
Receiver of a Heavenly Learning Website Award - for an exceptional Learning Page on the Web
The Eagle's Nest: " As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh
them, beareth them on her wings..."--De 32:11
"As a man thinks in his heart so is he." Proverbs 23:7
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Copyright 1997-2016 Melissa L. Morgan