ABCs of Survival
by Melissa L. Morgan,
is tailored for parents to read together with their young children/children
with special needs, and covers health and safety topics from a
biblical perspective. Check author
page on
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Here are some of my favorite resources which our family has encountered and found useful over the years. Most of these resources (both essential and optional) contain Christian content, as our family homeschools from a biblical worldview. We have also used secular resources, primarily for our mature high school students.
I've listed essential life skills and optional/extracurricular life skills separately, although both are essential in my view. Essential health, physical education (PE), safety and life skills would be expected of all or most students, and cover age appropriate aspects of basic health, hygiene and safety. Examples of optional life skills might include spiritual/Bible training, social/relational skills, advanced survival/outdoor education, health care studies, emotional/mental health, nutrition, disaster training, and first aid. I count on your best judgment in evaluating what is best for your family.
Easy Peasy (EP0 All-In-One Homeschool offers free online courses, including health and physical education, for Grades 1 through 12, from a biblical worldview. (Note: some secular resources are recommended.) EP also includes free curriculum and printables for Preschool/Kindergarten, but it doesn't seem to specifically teach health/PE. However, many of the suggested activities (such as making letters shapes with your body) would qualify as healthy exercise!
Alpha Omega's Health curriculum, LIFEPAC and Horizons, Christian, all grade levels.
A Beka’s Health, Safety, and Manners Grade 1, 2 and 3. All grade levels of this Christian health curriculum are popular with many homeschool families.
Easy Peasy Bible, from Grades 1-12; and naturally, we used children's Bibles and Sunday school materials from our church (we attend at Search your favorite Internet search engines, under "tracts," "Bible study," "Bible" or your church or denomination, for free resources.
Hope: When I'm Afraid--Free Outdoor Education Lesson Plan for Children's Ministry, by Melissa L. Morgan.
Safe at Play: Outdoor Safety, I Can Be Safe: A First Look at Safety (First Look at...Series), The Safety Book for Active Kids: Teaching Your Child How to Avoid Everyday Dangers and It's Time to Call 911: What to Do in an Emergency
See historical posters and read the too cute, true story of Smokey the Orphan Bear,.Appropriate for all ages. Also, download a free activity guide, at, teaches children not to play with matches.
The Berenstain Bears: Thank God for Good Health by Stan and Jan Berenstain
DK’s First Human Body Encyclopedia
Human Body for Children TV series, K and up.
The Magic School Bus: Inside the Human Body, by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen
ABCs of Survival Skills, by Melissa L. Morgan, is tailored for parents to read together with young children/chilren with special needs, and covers health and safety topics from a biblical perspective. Check author page on Amazon for more information.
Easy Peasy (EP) All-In-One Homeschool, free health and PE curriculum, upper elementary.
Alpha Omega's Health curriculum, LIFEPAC and Horizons books, Christian worldview, all grade levels.
Abeka's curriculum from a Christian perspective, including Developing Good Health,Grade 4.
Easy Peasy Bible, from Grades 1-12
Where Do Babies Come From? (Learning about Sex), by Ruth Hummel—Christian viewpoint.
GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior,, American Heritage Girls ( and Christian Service Brigade ( .All three offer programs for developing life skills, in addition to fun, healthy physical activities. Programs extend into middle and high school.
Easy Peasy (EP) All-In-One Homeschool, free health curriculum, middle school.
All-In-One Highschool, free 4-year high school health curriculum.
Total Health: Talking About Life's Changes and Total Health: Choices for a Winning Lifestyle, both by Susan Boe—highly detailed, encourages higher level thinking skills, biblical worldview, and user friendly. However, like most health/science resources, however, the nutritional information is out of date or questionable, so we supplemented (excuse the pun) that information with resources, below.
A Beka's Health in Christian Perspective, used as an additional resource for middle/high school; resource includes first aid, safety and physical health.
Alpha Omega's Health curriculum, LIFEPAC and Horizons, all grade levels.
Easy Peasy Bible, free courses, from Grades 1-12
Cherish: Cultivating Relationships with Parents, Friends, Guys and More by Vicki Courtney.
Youth for Christ, Keeping Teens Safe on the Internet, free download,
Free First Aid/CPR Certification Course Learn how to save lives! After you complete the course, go to and get a certificate. It is free. Spend a little more time and you can be fully certified with continuing healthcare credits--all online. You'll need to take a final exam, but it is only 20 questions. The class has a regular $45 price, but can get the certification for free by putting in a code a checkout when you "purchase" the course. (Put the code in the space that says "Enter Code" and click "Redeem Code." Then Checkout. NHC posted a note about this at the UDEMY course:"Visit and enter code UDEMYHEART100 during checkout. Share the code with family, friends, your neighbor, anyone!"
Johns Hopkins Free Public Health Courses, offers secular courses in a variety of health science subjects. For instance, "Case Studies in Primary Health Care," "Critical Analysis of Popular Diets and Dietary Supplements," "Environmental Health," and many more.
Do you need spiritual help? Read Hugh Morgan's Words and Encouragement for Trials.
EagleNestHome's Healthy, Happy Tip: Be glad-think on good things!
EaglesNestHome School: Computer and Electronic Device Safety, Protect yourself, your kids, an d your computer!
Heart of Wisdom offers reasonably priced Bible-based homeschool resources (also some free samples) for all subjects, including health and Bible studies.
MemLok Bible Memory System, uses a "word picture" for the first key words gets you started; web site includes Laugh! Archives, Dozens of quality Free offers, 36 Free Scripture Memory Tips.
Memoria Press, ; Resources for Christian training as well as Latin, Logic, Rhetoric, Classical education.
Thy Word Creations, ; easy word for word scripture memorization using songs, for ages 3-10.
Christian Sexuality Resources for Parents—also books for teens such as Facing the Facts, The Truth About Sex and You, by Stan and Brenna Jones.
Letters to Karen and Letters to Philip: On Keeping Love in Marriage, by Charlie W. Shedd
Bringing Up Boys and Bringing Up Girls: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Women, by James C. Dobson
The New Strong-Willed Child, by James C. Dobson
Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship, by Joshua Harris
The Ohio Soybean Council: It's "Soyence!"
How good are your vitamins, herbs, supplements? Check to find out. Some benefits require membership, but you can views answers to questions without signing up. Here are a few examples of questions:"Which supplements have been shown to be helpful for autism? I have been having dizziness for the past few months and am wondering if it could be a side effect of supplements I take. Which supplements cause dizziness?I take melatonin to help me fall asleep. Are there any drugs that interact with melatonin that I should be aware of? Which supplements help to improve energy and decrease fatigue?"
Search multiple health databases, by disease or condition, at .
Learn more about health and nutrition at
Contact Partnership for Prescription Assistance, ; 888-477-2669, to see if you are eligible for any of 275 different programs that can help Americans save money on prescriptions.
How Good Is Your Hospital? Hospital Report Cards: America's Best Hospitals,, Consumer's Checkbook,, also Medical Research—Resources for Doing Your Own.
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Abeka's free Scope and Sequence, from a Christian perspective (including Bible skills); shows a detailed list of concepts and skills; what to teach, and when to teach it. Health topics can be found under “Language Skills Development, for preschool and K; Health is a separate subject beginning in Grade 1. Scope and Sequence ncludes electives for high school, such as Family and Consumer Sciences, with essential life skills such as cooking, etiquette, meal management and nutritional information.
Alpha Omega/LIFEPAC free Scope and Sequence download; health topics are listed under General Science in younger grades.Topics for Health (Grades 4-12), include Body Buidling Blocks, Body framework, Body Systems, General health introduction, The head and crown of Creation, Body systems, Growth and development, Thinking and learning, Emotional disorders, Social health, Personal hygiene, Nutrition and exercise, Developing good eating habits, Exercise and physical fitness, Biblical perspectives of health, Nutrients and metabolism, Basic food groups, Physical fitness, Good eating habits, Spiritual, mental, and emotional health, True health wisdom, Social health, Personal hygiene, Safety and accidents, Natural disasters, Emergency care, Disease and prevention, Safety habits, Fire safety, First aid, Environment and health, Use and misuse of drugs, Alcohol and alcoholism, Smoking, Origin and prevention of disease, Alcohol and tobacco, Drug use and abuse and The environment.
Choosing and Using Curriculum: Your Guide to Home Education and Learning in Spite of Labels, both by Joyce Herzog, share practical methods for adapting materials and homeschooling children with learning differences.
Home Learning Year by Year: How to Design a Homeschool Curriculum from Preschool Through High School, by Rebecca Rupp, includes health and physical fitness education plans which can be tailored to a child’s own individual strengths and weaknesses.
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook by Raymond and Doro4.thy Moore emphasizes flexible, stress-free homeschooling teaching methods for families, and includes physical and emotional health tips.
What Your First Grader Needs to Know by E.D. Hirsch, Jr., includes information to read together about good health habits and the human body. Books in the Hirsch’s Core Knowledge series continue from Kindergarten through Grade 6.
Find free resources from the Federal Citizen Information Center, Pueblo, Colorado,, such as Life Advice About Protecting Your Child and Protecting Personal Information.
Christian Book Distributors offers a huge selection of bargain-priced homeschool and educational resources and books in health and other subjects. Portions of your purchases help support this web site. Thank you!
Copyright 2020 Melissa L. Morgan
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