Frugal Homeschoolers, Families:
Don't Get Taken in By Fraud, Bad Home Builders and Business
Opportunity Scams!

Fraudent companies target homeschoolers, who often look for supplemental income, and other frugal families, with schemes involving business opportunities. These scams entice families with promises of "paying off your mortgage," "owning your own home," and debt freedom." .

"Consumers can take steps to make sure that the business opportunity they're pursuing isn't going to cheat them out of their money. Here's how:

Take the time to complete each of these steps. Promoters of fraudulent business opportunities are likely to apply high-pressure sales tactics to get you to buy in. If it's a legitimate business opportunity, it'll still be around when you're ready to decide."--Federal Trade Commission

Build Wisely!

For more information, visit the

Federal Trade Commission web site.



Have you been scammed by a fraudulent home building scheme or panelized home builder? Do you have a "bad house?" Consumers can file a complaint through HADD, Home Owners Against Defective Dwellings.

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